vice-president and manager of the NBC central division, announced addition of
three new studios to the Chicago headquarters. An organ chamber, two echo rooms
and additional office space, occupying about 11,5000 square feet of floor space,
will be constructed in previously unoccupied space in the tower section of the
Merchandise Mart. This will give the Chicago NBC headquarters a total of 76,500
square feet of floor space, and 11 studios. When the Chicago headquarters were
opened in 1928 only two studios were needed and the entire staff was limited to
less than a dozen people. Today's staff numbers more than 300. Of the 1,748 programs
originating each month for a total of 536 hours, 1,102 are for the networks. Each
of the new studios will be 17 by 30 feet in size with an adjoining control room
and adjoining storage room.