The Chicago Gospel Tabernacle...
Every week-day
morning from 7:15 until 7:45 you hear the religious service broadcast from The
Chicago Gospel Tabernacle.
Paul Rader came to
Chicago 18 years ago, and started noon-day meetings in the heart of the business
district. After holding meetings in a tent all summer, a huge tabernacle was erected
in the fall, seating 5,000 people, which held nightly evangelical services for
seven years.
Ten years ago Mr. Rader built the great Chicago Gospel Tabernacle and then began
the first gospel broadcasting, in the early days of radio, from a little experimental
wooden building on top of the City Hall. |
The Gospel Tabernacle
is non-sectarian and is devoted to a simple gospel of helpfulness and the salvation
of men. Thousands of families are helped in body, as well as in spirit, by the
family work of the Tabernacle. The picture at the right shows some of the Christmas
baskets for the very poor. All cases that are helped with food and clothing are
investigated by volunteer workers who get no pay for their service. |
It has long been
the belief of Mr. Rader and those who work with him, that when a man has little
children at home who are hungry or who need clothing, the best way to carry the
gospel message is to first minister to his immediate need.
Who can tell how far the spoken word will travel, or what hearts it will touch?
Surely there can be no greater opportunity for service than this practical work
of carrying comfort and help to the world by radio. |
The thousands
of letters that come to The Chicago Gospel Tabernacle are earnest, valuable correspondence,
some from people in distress, and many from those whose gifts, large and small,
make the work of the Tabernacle possible. During ten days of the hottest weather
last June, more than 10,000 letters came to the office and were answered, and
more than a quarter of a million valuable pieces of inspiring literature were
sent out. |
You may have heard
the singing of the White Shirt Brigade every Saturday morning. Here they are;
little boys today, men tomorrow, learning to help. |
Dr. W. B. Hogg,
often called the Radio Chaplain. As chaplain of the 312th Engineers, then of the
87th Division, then associate chaplain of Base 2, at Bordeaux, France, Dr. Hogg
lived a full life of service during the World War. After serving as an associate
chaplain of the 3rd Army at Coblenz, he was retired for disability received in
line of duty. A vigorous evangelist with a rare sympathy and understanding of
the hearts of men. |
or suggestions? click
here to send them to Rich Samuels
Created by
Rich Samuels (e-mail to